Teaserbild mit Verlinkung zum als auch Header-Bild von Über mich: der Verantwortliche für HikingTrailView.com während einer Pause auf der Tour du Mont Blanc, selbst fotografiert in einem Panorama-Rundbild mit Hilfe eines senkrecht nach oben gehaltenen Kegelspiegels vor der Lise, im Mittelpunkt auf einer Wiese neben einem Pfad liegend mit Rucksack als Kopfkissen sowie Mütze und Jacke neben sich, auf der Oberseite des runden Fotos umringt von zwei stehenden Wanderern mit Wanderstöcken und zwei herannahenden Wanderer*innen sowie auf der Unterseite von einem alpinen Bergpanorama mit überbelichtetem Himmel voll weiß gleißenden Wolken nur rechts oben leicht unterbrochen von schmalen Streifen Himmelblau
During a break on the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) you realize that you are not alone on the trail. I did the tour in the summer of 2012.

The better your preparation, the better your hike

Welcome to my travel blog. Or more specific: my hiking blog. And even more precise: my website to let you discover hiking trails virtually, including some helpful data. My name is Mark-Marcel Müller. And, yes, I always like to hike. (There's an old German folk song that says so about someone with the profession of a Müller aka Miller.) My love for hiking started during my first longer hiking tour: the Otter Trail along the coast of South Africa's Garden Route. I joined friends that waited a long time to do this hike. Sadly, the hike through the amaz-ing Tsitsikamma National Park is booked out for years. Luckily, they had one free space left for me, so I got to know how well and quickly I could forget every day stress and work problems. Since then I did very different hikes. Though, I have to admit am really not a hiking pro and I don't use every free minute of my life to go hiking. And I do many mis-takes while planning my hikes. Which I feel is not that bad at all. That way, hiking never becomes a routine. And it remains a little adventurous every time. Just like my first time on the Otter Trail. 

Against too heavy bags and wrong shoes

This is why I came up with the idea of HikingTrailView.com. Every participant in the group wore different kinds of shoes, from sneakers to hiking boots made for alpine mountains. That I decided to wear light and yet ankle supporting boots was pure incidence. Howev-er, I carried way too much stuff with me. Steep and long natural stairs, sharp stones on the ground, if we had the chance to see the trail in advance, most of us would have cho-sen different kind of shoes and lighter backpacks. 

Selfie bei Sonnenaufgang mit rundum Panorama auf dem kleinen Gipfel-Plateau des Little Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka, im Hintergrund zwei kopfhohe Buddha-Statuen im Lotussitz unter kleinen Dächern sowie weitere in Morgendunst getauchte Berggipfel
I am really not an early bird. But the sunrise on Little Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka's hiking mecca Ella was worth to get up in the dark. And it was a bit cooler! 2018, photographed with the panoramic function of my smartphone – the reason for the heavily visible photo stitches.

No guarantee. But the most beautiful corners of the world.

Finally, a few notes that are important: 

The photos and map positions never fit 100%. This is not Google Streetview. At least not when looking the fincancial means. I prepared the virtual tours with very little budget, as well as publicly available hard- and software. The gps coordinates of the panos had to be very roughly estimated in parts. Make sure you check official maps and signs as well as hike and plan your hikes with prudence. The you will be able to probably enjoy some of the best moments of your life with some of the amazing natural sights this world has to offer. And every day stress dissolves more and more with every sweaty step you take on a hiking trail. 

In addition, some of my hikes I did many years ago. If you can tell me about updates or news regarding the virtual tours, you are more than welcome to write an e-mail. But please don't be too harsh on me. I am looking forward to hear from you!

With advertisements and affiliates links I want to generate money so this site can exist and grow for a long time – and stay free for use. If you use ad blockers, all good. If you don't use them, please click all banners and links a lot! I try to keep all links and offers as relevant for hikers and travellers as possible. And if you come across problems here too, please let me know.

And now enjoy your hikingtrailviewing – get started!

Foto beim Abstieg eines rostbraunen, lehmigen, stärker bergab führenden Wegabschnitts auf dem Kilimandscharo etwa auf der dritten Etappe der Marangu Route, eingerahmt in satten grünen mit vereinzelt rötlich blühenden Gebirgssträuchern sowie einem weiten Blick bergab auf Wolken und kleinere Berge in der Ferne – links im Vordergrund steht der Verantwortliche für HikingTrailView.com mit Wanderstöcken, mit Lehm verschmierten Bergstiefeln, kniehohen Gamaschen, dünnen Handschuhen, einem grünen Mount-Kilimanjaro-Hut mit breiter Krempe sowie sonnenverbranntem Lächeln, mittig im Hintergrund die Rücken anderer Wanderer beim Abstieg sowie ein Träger, der uns mit großem Gepäcksack auf dem Kopf beim Aufstieg entgegenkommt
The descend after hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro on the Marangu Route was true bliss. And you develop very high respect for the many carriers that run Africa's highest mountain up and down every day, heavily packed with the many tourists' equipment and food.

Get your own idea of a hiking trail before hiking it

This lies at the heart this site: that you can get a better idea of a trail while you prepare for your journey. And everyone that is not able to hike, can also enjoy 360° panoramic views of some of the most beautiful places on our planet. 

After I photographed and prepared a panoramic tour, you can virtually walk through it here on HikingTrailView.com. And you get an overview on basic information. Of course, elaborate hiking reports are great reads. Yet HikingTrailView.com might help you to bet-ter prepare for your hikes individually. The site will step by step offer more panoramic tours. The first tours that are already online are the Rennsteig in German forest of Thurin-gia as well as the Lion's Head in Cape Town. And already in the making are the Marangu Route up Mount Kilimanjaro, the Tour du Mont Blanc in the Alps, the ascend of Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka and a few tours up Table Mountain in Cape Town.

Selfie bei Sonnenaufgang mit rundum Panorama auf dem kleinen Gipfel-Plateau des Little Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka, im Hintergrund zwei kopfhohe Buddha-Statuen im Lotussitz unter kleinen Dächern sowie weitere in Morgendunst getauchte Berggipfel
I am really not an early bird. But the sunrise on Little Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka's hiking mecca Ella was worth to get up in the dark. And it was a bit cooler! 2018, photographed with the panoramic function of my smartphone – the reason for the heavily visible photo stitches.

No guarantee. But the most beautiful corners of the world.

Finally, a few notes that are important: 

The photos and map positions never fit 100%. This is not Google Streetview. At least not when looking the fincancial means. I prepared the virtual tours with very little budget, as well as publicly available hard- and software. The gps coordinates of the panos had to be very roughly estimated in parts. Make sure you check official maps and signs as well as hike and plan your hikes with prudence. The you will be able to probably enjoy some of the best moments of your life with some of the amazing natural sights this world has to offer. And every day stress dissolves more and more with every sweaty step you take on a hiking trail. 

In addition, some of my hikes I did many years ago. If you can tell me about updates or news regarding the virtual tours, you are more than welcome to write an e-mail. But please don't be too harsh on me. I am looking forward to hear from you!

With advertisements and affiliates links I want to generate money so this site can exist and grow for a long time – and stay free for use. If you use ad blockers, all good. If you don't use them, please click all banners and links a lot! I try to keep all links and offers as relevant for hikers and travellers as possible. And if you come across problems here too, please let me know.

And now enjoy your hikingtrailviewing – get started!